Founded in 1968, St. Benilde School and Loreto Early Learning Center serve students from age 1 through the 7th Grade. Our beautiful 7-acre campus is located in the heart of Metairie in a quiet residential neighborhood currently educating 298 students. St. Benilde School is unique and diverse in both its scope and mission as 20% of our student population qualifies for services through our Exceptional Learners Program. We are searching for a school leader who is committed to the salvation of souls and the teachings of Holy Mother Church while leading a rigorous and relevant 21st Century education.
- Must be a practicing Catholic
- Must hold a graduate-level degree in a field of Education or related discipline (School Administration preferred)
- Minimum of 5 years of leadership experience preferred
How to Apply:
Submit an Administrator Application form, resume, references, official transcripts, and three current letters of recomendation by email to:
The application deadline is Friday, February 21st.